Thursday, September 17, 2009

A11 and A12 Sept 17


-2) You can sign up for Assign 1 topics on the wiki.

 Powerpoint - tips

- Ezeter
- Garr Reynolds
- Microsoft Do's and Don'ts

-1) Assignments 1 Q and A
- essentially two parts:
  • Theory - how are kids different, how can technology assist their learning (or should it) and your opinion
  • An online lesson for students (in a specific course) that works on one of the topics listed -- or other possibilities (check with me first)

Let's make a rubric! Here is our sample. A11 and A12

0) What are schools for? What is education? Why are you here? What do you hope to accomplish with your students?

Write down a one or two sentence response
Share with one other person and modify/revise if you wish
Share with another pair of people

What do some 'experts' say?
(Go to iTunes - Store and search for TVO. The episode is called Sept 15, 2008)

Education is what's left after you've forgotten all the facts.
(Of all the things you've learned here ...)

Building Brains, Bodies and Relationships

Work prep/moral development/social skills

half the point - what are the other halves?


Keep kids occupied while their parents work

Environics / Gallup polls and others

Parent teacher interviews

OUR school is OK - the rest are bad.

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