Thursday, October 10, 2013

Teacher and Technology Oct 11 2013


A15 -  Christian Lacko, Domenic Bruni (Add your comments here)
- Mackenzie Gregg + Eden Jamieson - Biology (Comments)
A17 - Markus Goertzen, Daniel Bergman (Add your comments here)

Canvas - another course management option (and is Edmodo our class code is seq8x5)
Reflector - show your iDevice on your computer
The rubric for the Web Content Assignment. What changes does it need?
Should we do a structured peer review of your sites before you submit them?

Assessment in a Digital Age
James Paul Gee on Assessment with video games (and implications for general assessment)
x Does this apply to how we use tech in ed?

From the RWL

C21 skills - what are they? With your group list the most important ones
How do we encourage and assess them? How do we report them? Look at the new provincial report card and find the places where these skills are reported on.


Your A/V assignment assessment - were you ok with getting marks on D2L first before the ‘feedback’? Did you want more comments or was a mark sufficient?

Assessments must measure all five results that matter —
  • core subjects;
  • 21st century content;
  • learning and thinking skills;
  • ICT literacy; and
  • life skills.

Do you know what these are?

pp. 10 - 16 from Shifting Minds from - note their ideas of 21C skills

Partnership for 21C Skills - pp. 16-17 for summary and assessment

Effective Assessment in a Digital Age - also has text (p.14 of PDF)


AAC (adaptive and augmentative c or special needs technologies

- choose two or three from the options below.





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